Business Link Pacific Podcast
Business Link Pacific Podcast
Series 6, episode 2: The impact of business advisory services in the Cook Islands and how SMEs have adapted to changing business environements
In episode two of season six, we’re speaking with Rebecca Tavioni, CEO of the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce, Kiesha Dais, BLP’s Business Service Manager in the Cook Islands and Chantel Napa, who is a BLP subsidy and Adaptation Grant recipient.
These three businesswomen discuss the impact of business advisory services in the Cook Islands, the current service offerings for SMEs, what demand there is for specific services and the role Business Link Pacific and its In-Country partners play in supporting this upcoming market.
It's exciting to be able to talk through both the successes and opportunities for development in the #CookIslands whilst looking back at our time working in partnership with the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce.
Tune in below to hear more about the Cook Island #SME success stories, the impact of business advisory services in the region and how the BLP network is working with SMEs to improve their businesses through adaptation planning subsidies and grants.